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Vision, Mision, and Core Values

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Vision, Mision, and Core Values


Becoming a competitive, profitable, and trustworthy corporation.


1. Embody productive and efficient operational performance to produce profitable quality services
2. Develop port and logistic business through mutually beneficial cooperation with strategic partners
3. Developing smart port based environmentally friendly port and logistic solution implementation to increase added value and customer satisfaction.
4. Enhance group's business value to increase positive contributions and optimize supply chain
5. Develop best talent to be able to contribute optimally to all business processes

Core Values

In their daily activities, employees must adhere to our core values, codes of ethics, and code of conduct. These values include the core values of the Indonesian public servants combined with our core values, which can be shortened to AKHLAK: Amanah (Trustworthy), Kompeten (Competent), Harmonis (Harmonious), Loyal, Adaptif (Adaptive), and Kolaboratif (Collaborativ


The code of ethics and code of conduct for the trustworthy value are:
1.    Performing tasks and responsibilities as the civil servant of the Ministry of SOEs by adhering to prevailing laws and regulations;
2.    Taking responsibility for the tasks, decisions, and actions;
3.    Consistently fulfilling oaths and maintaining commitments/trust when performing tasks and taking actions;
4.    Strictly following moral and ethical values when performing tasks and taking action;
5.    Speaking and acting with honesty and appropriate manners based on facts and truth as determined by applicable regulations;
6.    Expressing opinions and ideas, either orally, verbally, or through social media in appropriate manners as determined by laws and regulations, morals, and ethics; and
7.    Upholding oaths of a civil servant of the Ministry of SOEs, and avoiding conflicts of personal or group interests.


The code of ethics and code of conduct for the competent value are:
1.    Completing the assigned tasks with the highest-quality results;
2.    Thinking creatively to solve problems with compliance to applicable laws and regulations, morals, and ethics;
3.    Being disciplined in using work time to perform productive activities;
4.    Caring for each other and committed to helping others learn;
5.    Becoming a role model in one’s area of expertise;
6.    Improving skills and competencies to perform the assigned tasks; and
7.    Improving self-competence to respond to ever-changing challenges.


The code of ethics and code of conduct for the harmonious value are:
1.    Respecting and appreciating everyone regardless of their backgrounds;
2.    Creating conducive work environments with cooperative and communicative attitudes to coworkers when performing tasks;
3.    Avoiding taking actions that could lead to conflicts that potentially could break the unity and unitary of the nation;
4.    Helping each other and having a sense of caring and empathy for coworkers and the local community;
5.    Avoiding forcing opinions on others and respecting different opinions and ideas from others;
6.    Willing to share solutions and information, and/or act in one’s own capacity to solve work-related problems; and
7.    Conducting and presenting oneself by adhering to applicable regulations and ethical standards.


The code of ethics and code of conduct for the loyal value are:
1.    Willing to sacrifice and being loyal for the national interests;
2.    Being loyal and obedient to the Ministry of SOEs by adhering to prevailing laws and regulations and applicable norms;
3.    Maintaining the image, honor, and dignity of oneself, coworkers, leaders, the Ministry of BUMN, and the country; and
4.    Completing tasks and responsibilities with complete integrity, commitment, and dedication.


The code of ethics and code of conduct for the adaptive value are:
1.    Constantly innovating for a quick self-adaptation to changes in the work environment;
2.    Being enthusiastic and proactive in adapting oneself and looking for solutions to changes and all things new;
3.    Being open-minded to creativity/ideas/opinions that have added values for the growth of the organization; and
4.    Proactively seeking opportunities to improve oneself to keep up with technological developments, new information, and new knowledge.


The code of ethics and code of conduct for the collaborative value are:
1.    Cooperating and working in synergy with coworkers, different work units, other ministries/institutions, SOEs, and/or the local community;
2.    Jointly utilizing various resources to achieve common goals; and
3.    Being available and willing to provide opportunities for coworkers and other parties to contribute to creating and increasing mutual added value